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Implementing Genuinely Sustainable Packaging In A Small Brand


McDonald's is going green with their promise to use 100% renewable and recycled packaging by 2025.


Driven by the demands of millennials, brands are moving towards more eco-conscious practices.


The UK is leading the way, creating markets that shun single-use plastics.


Clearly, 'eco-friendly packaging' isn't just a trendy term.


Actually, eco packaging has become a must-do for modern brands.


Wondering why sustainable packaging is becoming standard?


Check out these insights:

  • 37% of U.S. shoppers consider sustainability when purchasing.
  • Over half (51%) of supply chain experts believe that in two years, the circular economy will grow, partly due to the pandemic's influence.
  • A solid 30% of buyers are ready to pay extra for sustainably-claimed products. Remember the mantra 'reduce, reuse, recycle'? It's more than a childhood lesson. Businesses today need to embody these values. It's not just for the planet but also to win the trust of green-minded customers.

In this blog, we’ll explore:

  • The essence of packaging sustainability and its design.

  • Green packaging examples making a difference.

  • The impact of advanced materials on eco-packaging. Rapid advances in material science and packaging tech mean more environmentally-friendly choices for businesses.

From health supplements to ethical clothing, food services, and even the cannabis industry, brands are opting for sustainable packaging.

The rise of plant-based and compostable packaging options is making it simpler for companies to lessen their environmental impact.

Moreover, in a world where consumers are watchful of wasteful packaging, brands that don’t adapt risk facing backlash.

Ready to delve into the green packaging realm and its perks for your business? First, let's understand the core of packaging sustainability.

What's the Real Deal with Sustainable Packaging?

Sustainable packaging is all about minimizing its harm to our planet. Here's what it means:

  1. Materials: It often uses 100% recycled or raw materials.
  2. Manufacturing: It aims to cut down on production steps, supply chains, and carbon emissions.
  3. Lifetime Value: The focus is on making packaging that can be reused, promoting a longer life cycle.

Though it's tempting to think of green packaging solely in terms of the environment, there's more to it. It's vital to think about the economic and societal angles too.

For instance, while plant-based packaging sounds good, it might lead to cutting down precious rainforests for crop cultivation.

Moreover, for sustainable packaging to be a real alternative, it must be affordable, giving traditional, often harmful packaging a run for its money.

But here's a heads-up: Just because packaging sports an 'eco-friendly' tag doesn’t automatically make it truly green. And just because something's dubbed 'sustainable' doesn’t ensure it's ethical.

Considering a switch? Dive deep:

  • Research Thoroughly: Labels can be misleading. So, always question and dig deeper.

  • Ask the Right Questions: Connect with your packaging supplier and ask away. Ensure they're transparent and trustworthy.

  • Resources to Help: The Sustainable Packaging Coalition is a stellar place to start. It not only offers certifications for brands but also educates on recyclable packaging. Additionally, entities like the Forest Stewardship Council ensure products made from trees (like cardboard) come from green sources.

Remember, combining sustainable packaging with eco-friendly design can elevate your brand. Not only is it good for Earth, but it's also a strategic way to stand out.

At Dobbpking, we design, manufacture, and supply only eco-friendly packaging; no matter if it's a tube box or tube cardboard, our factory can meet your needs. But we provide only paper-made packaging to show our sustainability! Check out our sustainable packaging offerings, and feel free to ask any questions!


Lip balm Tubes Packaging 

Cardboard Paper Drawer Box

Cardboard Packaging 

Food Grade Tubes Coffee Cardboard

Food Cardboard Packaging


The Essence of Eco-Friendly Packaging


Think of sustainable packaging as crafting a product's attire with Mother Earth in mind. How? Use recycled goods or innovate by giving the packaging a secondary purpose.


Take H&M for instance. Their trendy shopping bag doubles up as a clothes hanger. Not only is it resource-efficient, but it's also 80% recycled. The takeaway? H&M understands its younger clientele values eco-conscious choices, thus reinforcing brand allegiance.


And it’s not just them.


IKEA, a household name, recently made a game-changing move. They swapped styrofoam, a usual packaging suspect, for mycelium fungus, an eco-friendly alternative. But remember, sometimes, it's just about using less. Raylo, a startup from London, trimmed its packaging materials and saved a whopping 11% on costs while slashing weight by a quarter.


Why Sustainable Packaging Matters 

You don’t need a spiel on why green packaging matters – it’s evident. If you want a nudge, consider the flak Amazon's packaging choices receive on social media. But it's not just customers leading the charge.


Mega corporations like Unilever Australia are playing their part. They've called on the government to up their game in the plastic fight. The implications?


  1. Consumers gravitate towards eco-conscious brands.
  2. Big brands are donning the green cape for a cleaner image.
  3. Small and mid-tier brands will inevitably hop on the green bandwagon.

However, embracing green doesn’t always mean shelling out big bucks or compromising aesthetics.

Sustainable Packaging Examples And Ideas


When pivoting towards sustainable practices, research is key, especially in determining how it integrates with your product presentation. Here are some brands that brilliantly merged sustainability with their packaging designs:


Stripe & Stare


Stripe & Stare


Considering the astonishing fact that fast fashion's CO2 output surpasses that of all commercial flights combined yearly, it's evident that fashion giants play a huge role in our carbon footprint. Stripe & Stare, understanding this, aimed to revamp an essential item - underwear - into a sustainable version.


Their underwear, crafted from Tencel (a natural fabric from Austrian Beechwood trees), isn’t only three times softer than cotton but consumes 95% less water in production. Remarkably, they’re also compostable.


Of course, packaging reflecting their eco-conscious ethos was a must. They opted for eco-friendly mailer boxes. But instead of filling empty spaces in the box with fillers, they used ultra-slim boxes, reducing unnecessary space and raw material consumption. Sometimes, sustainability isn't just about the right materials but also about quantity.


Check out Dobbpking's eco-friendly mailer boxers!


GreenWrap Co.



GreenWrap Co.



In the world of beauty products where presentation often reigns supreme, GreenWrap Co. decided to redefine luxury through sustainability. Most beauty products are nestled in layers of plastic, but GreenWrap chose a different path.


Their skincare range is bottled in recyclable glass, sealed with wooden caps. However, their standout feature is the packaging. Instead of the typical plastic bubble wrap, they use biodegradable wrapping crafted from plant-based materials.


For GreenWrap, sustainability doesn’t end with the product. Their boxes are made of post-consumer recycled material, with soy-based inks detailing the brand’s story. No glue is used; instead, the boxes have clever folding designs, ensuring minimalism and eco-friendliness in every aspect.






Coffee lovers would appreciate BareBarista's commitment to a greener tomorrow. While most coffee packaging leans heavily on plastic and foil for freshness, BareBarista sought a sustainable alternative.


They package their premium coffee beans in bags made from natural jute. Not only does this maintain freshness, but the jute bags can also be repurposed, upcycled, or even composted. The label detailing the coffee’s origin and flavor notes? That's made of seed paper. Once planted, it grows into a variety of herbs, giving customers a delightful surprise.


Spotlight on: Seed paper labels that take the coffee experience to a whole new (green) level.


Want to tailor your eco-friendly coffee packaging tubes? Check out our food packaging tubes!





Shopping bags usually end up as landfill waste. EarthTotes decided to change the narrative for the fashion industry. Specializing in stylish yet sustainable bags, they opted to shun the plastic wrapping commonly used in shipping.

Instead, their totes are folded neatly and wrapped in thin, recyclable paper tied with hemp string. Their mailer boxes are not just recyclable but also sourced from sustainable forests. The boxes are adorned with water-based inks, giving consumers all the details without the environmental guilt.


For EarthTotes, every delivery is a step towards a world where fashion doesn’t cost the earth.


Spotlight on: Sustainable forest-sourced mailer boxes that merge style with eco-consciousness.








A Spanish icon in fashion, Sunad, takes pride in their use of natural fibers to recreate timeless styles. Their vision for packaging was clear - it should mirror the earthy tones of their apparel and be environmentally conscious. Initially considering eco mailer boxes, they soon discerned that their plush pants and accessories didn't require robust corrugated cardboard. Their ultimate choice? Expandable kraft mailers, which beautifully married minimalism with the raw appeal of paper pulp.


Hemp Juice


Hemp Juice

A Polish frontrunner in CBD products, Hemp Juice desired eco-friendly custom packaging. Their aim? To both protect their array of oils and offer a memorable unpacking journey for their customers. By using color-coded recycled and recyclable cardboard, Hemp Juice ensured their products stood out, all while treading lightly on the environment.


Incorporating sustainability into packaging isn’t just a trend; it’s a testament to a brand’s commitment to the planet. With the right research and innovative thinking, businesses can make significant strides in eco-friendliness without compromising on aesthetics or functionality.


Find your custom paper tubes here! 



The Consumer's Viewpoint: Eco-Friendly Packaging Trends


The rise in sustainable packaging isn't a mere coincidence; it's a consumer-driven trend. As the world rallies against climate change, earth-friendly choices rank high.

Big brands might wave the green flag for brownie points, but a mere recycling emblem doesn't seal the deal. Your brand's packaging could be your trump card in a face-off with a competitor. Imagine a consumer torn between two products – yours and a rival's. Your packaging boasts, “Crafted from 100% recycled material, degrades into harmless organic stuff in 15 years.” That could be the clincher.


Eco packaging might not define your brand, but in the consumer's eyes, it's a game-changer. If you've been on the fence about eco-friendly choices, it's high time to join the green brigade.


10 Steps to Adopt Eco-Friendly Packaging

Thinking about transitioning to green packaging? Here's a straightforward guide to make your shift smooth and effective:

1. Start Slowly

Before diving headfirst into sustainable packaging, take a step back. Whether you have one product or a vast range, try a few eco-friendly options first. Test the waters to ensure the best fit.


2. Get Sample Packs

Before making a significant investment, order a few sample packs. This allows you to personally evaluate the packaging quality. When you're sure it’s right, go ahead and place a larger order.


3. Think of a Revamp

Merging a brand refresh with your new packaging can be powerful. A revamped logo, fresh colors, and updated design elements can shine even brighter with eco-friendly packaging.


4. Re-evaluate Your Pricing

Eco-packaging might come with a different price tag. For instance, packaging made from 80% recycled content might cost around €0.26 per unit. Decide if this cost can be absorbed or if you need to adjust your product pricing.


5. Start with Small Batches

To gauge how your audience responds to the new packaging, order in modest quantities initially, maybe as few as 30 units. Based on the feedback, you can then confidently increase your order.


6. Use the FIFO Approach

'First In, First Out' means finishing up your existing packaging before introducing the new. This ensures minimal waste as you transition.


7. Eco-friendly Inside and Out

Once you've got the green packaging down, think about how the product inside can also be sustainable. A green product inside a green box amplifies your brand's eco-conscious message.


8. Show Off Your Green Side

If you're doing good for the planet, let the world know! Highlight your eco-initiatives in marketing campaigns. Being eco-conscious not only benefits the environment but can also give you an edge over competitors.


9. Research Suppliers

Thoroughly vet suppliers to ensure their practices align with your eco goals. Look for certifications or partnerships that indicate a commitment to sustainability. Partnering with the right supplier can strengthen your brand's green credentials.

10. Educate Your Customers

Keep your customers in the loop. Educate them on why you've chosen eco-friendly packaging and how they can responsibly dispose of or recycle it. A well-informed customer is more likely to support and appreciate your sustainable efforts.


When you look for green packaging design and manufacturing, make sure you find the right supplier and check their certificate and factory environment. Dobbpking has been designing and making sustainable packaging for 10 years and we know the tricks that many unethical suppliers play in the market. But we are always honest with our clients that our materials and desgin used in the packaging are always eco friendly. That's why we only produce paper packaging, be it cans, tubes, or boxes. Contact us here for more information or browse our sustainable packaging categories. 


Sustainable Packaging Company

Born in the era of eco-consciousness, Dobbpking has sustainability at its core, working hand in hand with the environment. Our mission? To protect Mother Earth while helping our customers do the same.


In an industry that's often seen as old-school, Dobbpking brings a breath of fresh air. Through our journey, one fact stands out: Brands, big and small, are looking for packaging solutions that are kind to our planet.


Which is why we're proud to say that at least 90% of our cardboard materials are recycled. So, when you choose our custom packaging, you're not just buying a box. You're giving old books, cereal boxes, or even bank statements a second life. Want to embrace eco-friendly packaging? Explore Dobbpking's innovative range or reach out to us. Let's turn your vision into a green reality.

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